Contact us For admissions inquiries, please contact us at the following email addresses. Undergraduate: Graduate: POSTECH 발전을 위한 제안이나 건의사항을 작성하는 입력양식입니다. Name E-mail Subject Message 1+8=? Instructions for Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information 1.Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information. POSTECH collets the personal information to check inquiry and reply an answer 2.Items of Personal Information Collected by POSTECH To provide News Letter service, POSTECH collects the following minimum personal information Name, E-mail address, inquiry 3.Possession of Personal Information and Retention Period. We keep personal information for one year to process inquiries and manage the current status. 4.Right of Rejection to Collection of Personal Information and Limit of Service Use. The user has the right to reject the collection and use of personal information, in which case, the use of the service may be limited. Do you agree to provide your personal information? I Agree