성명 | 민승기 |
소속 | 환경공학부 |
전화번호 | 279-2286 |
skmin@postech.ac.kr | |
Homepage | http://climatechange.postech.ac.kr/ |
- 2003.09 ~ 2006.05 (박사-기후변화)
- 1995.03 ~ 1997.02 서울대학교 (석사-기후역학)
- 1992.03 ~ 1995.02 서울대학교 (학사-대기과학)
- 2012.02 ~ 2013.02 : 호주 국립과학산업연구기구
- 2008.04 ~ 2011.12 : 캐나다 환경부 기후연구과
- 2006.09 ~ 2008.03 : 캐나다 환경부 기후연구과
- Widening of the Hadley cell from Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to future climate, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 31, 267-281 (2018)
- Future changes in extreme precipitation indices over Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, , , - (2018)
- Heat Stress Changes over East Asia under 1.5°C and 2°C Global Warming Target, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , , - (2018)
- Time of emergence in regional precipitation changes: an updated assessment using the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , , - (2018)
- Attribution of the local Hadley cell widening in the Southern Hemisphere, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 44, 1015-1024 (2017)
- Climate responses to volcanic eruptions assessed from observations and CMIP5 multi-models, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , 48, 1017-1030 (2017)
- Attribution of the 2015 record high sea surface temperatures over the central equatorial Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 12, - (2017)
- The long-term variability of Changma in the East Asian summer monsoon system: A review and revisit, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, , 53, 257-272 (2017)
- Attributing Causes of 2015 Record Minimum Sea-Ice Extent in the Sea of Okhotsk, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 30, 4693-4703 (2017)
- The Status and Prospect of Seasonal Climate Prediction of Climate Over Korea and East Asia: A Review, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, , 53, 149-173 (2017)
- Thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to future changes in summer precipitation over Northeast Asia and Korea: a multi-RCM study, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , 49, 4121-4139 (2017)
- Long-Term Warming Trends in Korea and Contribution of Urbanization: An Updated Assessment, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, , 122, 10637-10654 (2017)
- Role of Convective Precipitation in the Relationship between Subdaily Extreme Precipitation and Temperature, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 30, 9527-9537 (2017)
- The Status and Prospect of Seasonal Climate Prediction of Climate Over Korea and East Asia: A Review, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, , 53, 149-173 (2017)
- Evaluation of multiple regional climate models for summer climate extremes over East Asia, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , 46, 2469-2486 (2016)
- Attribution of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , 46, 1769-1782 (2016)
- Future changes in summer precipitation in regional climate simulations over the Korean Peninsula forced by multi-RCP scenarios of HadGEM2-AO, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , 52, 139-149 (2016)
- Projections of high resolution climate changes for South Korea using multiple-regional climate models based on four RCP scenarios. Part 1: surface air temperature, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , 52, 151-169 (2016)
- Projections of high resolution climate changes for South Korea using multiple-regional climate models based on four RCP scenarios. Part 2: precipitation, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , 52, 171-189 (2016)
- Time of emergence of anthropogenic warming signals in the Northeast Asia assessed from multi-regional climate models, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , 52, 129-137 (2016)
- Multi-model attribution of upper-ocean temperature changes using an isothermal approach, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, , 6, - (2016)
- The impact of the Southern Annular Mode on future changes in Southern Hemisphere rainfall, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 43, 7160-7167 (2016)
- Future changes in drought characteristics over South Korea using multi regional climate models with the standardized precipitation index, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , 52, 209-222 (2016)
- Changes of precipitation extremes over South Korea projected by the 5 RCMs under RCP scenarios, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , 52, 223-236 (2016)
- Spatial analysis of future East Asian seasonal temperature using two regional climate model simulations, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, , 52, 237-249 (2016)
- Influence of climate variability on extreme ocean surface wave heights assessed from ERA-Interim and ERA-20C reanalyses, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 29, 4031-4046 (2016)
- Emergence of heat extremes attributable to anthropogenic influences, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 43, 3438-3443 (2016)
- Evaluating extreme rainfall changes over Taiwan using a standardized index, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, , 27, 705-715 (2016)
- Attributing northern high-latitude precipitation change over the period 1966–2005 to human influence, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , 45, 1713-1726 (2015)
- Changes in weather and climate extremes over Korea and possible causes: A review, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, , 51, 103-121 (2015)
- Attribution of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , , - (2015)
- Intra-winter atmospheric circulation changes over East Asia and North Pacific associated with ENSO in a seasonal prediction model, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, , 51, 49-60 (2015)
- Evaluation of multiple regional climate models for summer climate extremes over East Asia, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , , - (2015)
- Two distinct influences of Arctic warming on cold winters over North America and East Asia, NATURE GEOSCIENCE, , , - (2015)
- Anthropogenic influence on the 2014 record-hot spring in Korea, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, , 96, S95-S99 (2015)
- Human contribution to the 2014 record high sea surface temperatures over the western tropical and northeast Pacific Ocean, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, , 96, S100-S104 (2015)
- Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes over Korea and Possible Causes: A Review (vol 51, pg 103, 2015), ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, , 51, 291-291 (2015)
- Further observational evidence of Hadley cell widening in the Southern Hemisphere, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 41, 2590-2597 (2014)
- More-frequent extreme northward shifts of eastern Indian Ocean tropical convergence under greenhouse warming, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, , 4, 6087- (2014)
- Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, , 5, 4646- (2014)
- Explaining extreme events of 2013 from a climate perspective-Assessing Human contribution to the summer 2013 Korean heat wave, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, , , S48-S51 (2014)
- Differentiating flavors of the Indian Ocean Dipole using dominant modes in tropical Indian Ocean rainfall, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 41, 8978-8986 (2014)
- Attributing northern high-latitude precipitation change over the period 1966–2005 to human influence, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , , 1-14 (2014)
- Influence of climate variability on seasonal extremes over Australia, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, , 118, 643-654 (2013)
- Multi-model attribution of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell widening: Major role of ozone depletion, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, , 118, 3007-3015 (2013)
- Multimodel Detection and Attribution of Extreme Temperature Changes, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 26, 7430-7451 (2013)
- Autumn Precipitation Trends over Southern Hemisphere Midlatitudes as Simulated by CMIP5 Models, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 26, 8341-8356 (2013)
- Attributing intensification of precipitation extremes to human influence, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 40, 5252-5257 (2013)
- Greening in the circumpolar high-latitude may amplify warming in the growing season, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , 38, 1421-1431 (2012)
- Explaining extreme events of 2011 from a climate perspective, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, , 93, 1041-1067 (2012)
- Human contribution to more-intense precipitation extremes, Nature, , 470, 378-381 (2011)
- Arctic Oscillation responses to greenhouse warming and role of synoptic eddy feedback, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, , 115, - (2010)
- Signal detectability in extreme precipitation changes assessed from twentieth century climate simulations, Climate Dynamics, , 32, 95-111 (2009)
- Spatiotemporal patterns of changes in maximum and minimum temperatures in multi-model simulations, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 36, - (2009)
- The detection and attribution of human influence on climate, ANNUAL REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES, , 34, - (2009)
- Human-induced Arctic Moistening, Science, , 320, 518-520 (2008)
- Human influence on Arctic sea ice detectable from early 1990s onwards, Geophysical Research Letters, , 35, - (2008)
- Multi-model Bayesian assessment of climate change in the northern annular mode, GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, , 60, 193-206 (2008)
- A Hierarchical evaluation of IPCC AR4 coupled climate models with systematic consideration of model uncertainties, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, , 29, 853-868 (2007)
- Probabilistic climate change predictions applying Bayesian model averaging, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, , 365, 2103-2116 (2007)
- Scientific challenges in the attribution of harm to human influence on climate, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW, , 155, 1353-1400 (2007)
- A Bayesian assessment of climate change using multimodel ensembles. Part II: regional and seasonal mean surface temperatures, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 20, 2769-2790 (2007)
- A Bayesian assessment of climate change using multimodel ensembles. Part I: Global mean surface temperature, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, , 19, 3237-3256 (2006)
- A Bayesian approach to climate model evaluation and multi-model averaging with an application to global mean surface temperatures from IPCC AR4 coupled climate models, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 33, - (2006)
- East Asian climate change in the 21st century as simulated by the coupled climate model ECHO-G under IPCC SRES scenarios, JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, , 84, 1-26 (2006)
- ernal variability in a 1000-yr control simulation with the coupled climate model ECHO-G - I. Near-surface temperature, precipitation and mean sea level pressure, TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, , 57, 605-621 (2005)
- Internal variability in a 1000-yr control simulation with the coupled climate model ECHO-G - II. El Nino Southern Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation, TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, , 57, 622-640 (2005)
- Regional-scale climate change detection using a Bayesian decision method, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, , 32, - (2005)
- Climate change signal analysis for Northeast Asian surface temperature, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, , 22, 159-171 (2005)
- A Bayesian decision method for climate change signal analysis, METEOROLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, , 13, 421-436 (2004)
- Regional climate simulation for Korea using dynamic downscaling and statistical adjustment, JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, , 82, 1629-1643 (2004)
- Future projections of East Asian climate change from multi-AOGCM ensembles of IPCC SRES scenario simulations, JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, , 82, 1187-1211 (2004)
- Spatial and temporal comparisons of droughts over Korea with East Asia., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, , 23, 223-233 (2003)
- Evaluation of the COSMO-CLM for East Asia Climate simulations: Sensitivity to Spectral Nudging, 기후연구, , 11, 69-85 (2016)
- Impact of Horizontal Resolution on Precipitation Simulation over South Korea with Multi Regional Climate Models, 기후연구, , 11, 169-181 (2016)
- Human-caused Indo-Pacific warm pool expansion, Science Advances, , 2, 1-7 (2016)
- 한반도 기후변화의 추세와 원인 고찰, 한국기후변화학회지, , 2, 237-251 (2011)
- Impacts of half a degree additional warming on the Asian summer monsoon rainfall, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- A Bayesian attribution analysis of global and regional changes in extreme temperatures, ., 0, 0, - (2018)
- Attribution of seasonal changes in the Indo-Pacific warm pool area and intensity, ., 0, 0, - (2018)
- Combined influence of ENSO and PDO on global and regional droughts, ., 0, 0, - (2018)
- Multi-model event attribution of the summer 2013 heat wave in Korea, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Anthropogenic and Natural Contributions to the Lengthening of Summer Season in the Northern Hemisphere, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Assessing the impact of volcanic eruptions on climate extremes using CMIP5 models, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- 1.5 ̊C 온난화 목표에 따른 동아시아 극한기후 전망, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Changes in Summer Season Length due to Different Global Warming Mitigation Targets, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- 한반도 여름철 이상기후 사례별 특성 및 메커니즘 분석 연구, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Multi-model event attribution of the summer 2013 Korean heat wave, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- A Bayesian detection and attribution analysis of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- ENSO-PDO Combined Impacts on Regional Drought Hotspot, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Role of convective precipitation in the relationship between sub-daily extreme precipitation and temperature, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Responses of climate extremes to volcanic eruptions assessed from CMIP5 multi-models, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attributing causes of 2015 record minimum sea-ice extent in the Sea of Okhotsk, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Comparing COSMO 4.8 and 5.0 simulations for CORDEX East Asia Phase 2, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attribution of upper-ocean heat content changes using isothermal approach, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attribution of the local Hadley cell widening in the Southern Hemisphere, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Climate extreme responses to volcanic eruption assessed from CMIP5 multi-models, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attribution of the Local Hadley Cell Widening in the Southern Hemisphere, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- CMIP5 model evaluation on mean and extreme precipitation responses to East Asian Summer Monsoon variability, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- On the inter-model uncertainty in the future projections of extreme temperature over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- 화산 폭발에 따른 극한 기후의 반응: CMIP5 다중모델 분석, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attribution of global upper-ocean heat content changes, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Combined Influence of ENSO and PDO on Global Drought Severity, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- CMIP5 model evaluation on precipitation response to East Asian Summer Monsoon variability, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Role of convective precipitation in relationship between sub-daily extreme precipitation and temperature in Korea, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Future Changes in Heat Stress over East Asia Resulting from Different Target Temperature Increases, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attributing causes of Arctic sea-ice melting patterns, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Mechanisms for persistence of spring snow-cover anomalies across Eurasia, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attributing causes of the 2015 record minimum sea-ice extent in the Sea of Okhotsk, ., 0, 0, - (2017)
- Attribution of the local Hadley cell widening in the Southern Hemisphere, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Attribution of the local Hadley cell widening in the Southern Hemisphere, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Long-term warming trends in Korea and contribution of urbanization, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Long-term warming trends in Korea and contribution of urbanization, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Evaluating the Potential Usefulness of the C20C+ Detection and Attribution Archive, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Human-caused Indo-Pacific warm pool expansion, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Human-caused Indo-Pacific warm pool expansion, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Hydrological responses to volcanic eruptions assessed from observations and CMIP5 multi-models, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Multi-model attribution of upper-ocean temperature changes using an isothermal approach, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Multi-model attribution of upper-ocean temperature changes using an isothermal approach, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Climate of the 20th Century Plus: Experimental design, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Assessing Human Contribution to the 2015 Record High Sea Surface Temperature Over the Central Equatorial Pacific, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Attributing Causes of 2015 Record Minimum Sea-Ice Extent in the Sea of Okhotsk, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Future Change in Extreme Precipitation Indices by Climate Change, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Multi-RCM Future Projections of Climate Extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Changes in extreme precipitation indices by climate change over South Korea, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Mechanisms of future changes in extreme precipitation over Northeast Asia and South Korea:A multi-RCM study, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Multi-RCM Future Projections of Summer Climate Extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Multi-RCM Future Projections of Summer Climate Extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Pilot system on extreme climate monitoring and early warning for long range forecast in Korea, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Pilot system on extreme climate monitoring and early warning for long range forecast in Korea, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Multi-RCM Future Projections of Summer Climate Extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Multi-RCM Future Projections of Summer Climate Extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Evaluation of Multiple Regional Climate Models for Summer Climate Extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Evaluation of Multiple Regional Climate Models for Summer Climate Extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Global Warming and 2014 Korean Hottest Spring, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Global Warming and 2014 Korean Hottest Spring, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Introduction of New High-Resolution Climate Change Projections Using Four Regional Climate Models for Korean Impact and Adaptation Researches, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Introduction of New High-Resolution Climate Change Projections Using Four Regional Climate Models for Korean Impact and Adaptation Researches, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Attribution of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell widening, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Attribution of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell widening, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Attribution of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Attribution of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Detection and attribution of recent Arctic sea-ice melting patterns, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Detection and attribution of recent Arctic sea-ice melting patterns, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Natural and human contriburion to recent Arctic Sea-ice melting patterns, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Natural and human contriburion to recent Arctic Sea-ice melting patterns, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Attribution of Arctic sea-ice melting patterns, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Optimal fingerprint methods and Bayesian approaches, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Detection and attribution of extreme temperature changes: from global to regional, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Combined analysis of climate extremes using CORDEX-East Asia multiple RCMs, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Assessing human contribution to the Korean extreme summer temperature in 2013, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Combined Analysis of Temperature and Precipitation Extremes Over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Attribution of Recent Arctic Sea Ice Melting to Human Influence, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Combined analysis of temperature and precipitation extremes over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Evaluation of Multiple Regional Climate Models for Summer Extremes of Temperature and Precipitation over East Asia, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Multi-Model Detection and Attribution of Extreme Temperature Changes, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Multi-Model Detection and Attribution of Extreme Temperature Changes, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Multimodel attribution of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell widening: Major role of ozone depletion, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Autumn precipitation trends over southern Australia and other Southern Hemisphere midlatitude regions as simulated by CMIP5 models, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Detecting human influence on Arctic sea-ice, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Autumn precipitation trends over Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes as simulated by CMIP5 models, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Multi-model attribution of Hadley Cell widening, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Influence of climate variability on seasonal extremes over Australia, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Multi-model attribution of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell widening: Major role of ozone depletion, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Multi-model Attribution of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley Cell Widening: CMIP3 and CMIP5 Models, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- Attribution of Hadley Cell expansion, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- Detection of anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature and precipitation, ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- Detecting human influence on precipitation extremes, ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- 기후역학 교과서(기후과학자가 쓴), 동화기술, 432, 민승기 (2017)
- 대한민국 국가지도집 II, 국토교통부 국가지리정보원, 239, MIN, SK (2016)
- The National Atlas of Korea II, National Geographic Information Institute (NGII), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 242, MIN, SK (2016)
- 신규부임교수 기자재지원비(대학부담), 포항공과대학교 (2013-2014)
- 신규부임교수 기자재지원비(학과부담), 포항공과대학교 (2013-2014)
- 기온극한의 전 지국적 변화 분석(대학부담), 포항공과대학교 (2013-2014)
- 기온극한의 전 지국적 변화 분석(학과부담), 포항공과대학교 (0000-0000)
- 북극 기후 변화의 통합 시그널 탐지, 한국해양과학기술원 부설 극지연구소 (2013-2014)
- CORDEX-동아시아 다중 지역기후모델 자료의 극한기후 미래전망 활용성 연구, 재단법인 APEC 기후센터 (2013-2014)
- CORDEX-동아시아 다중 지역기후모델 자료의 극한 기후 미래전망 활용성 연구, 재단법인 APEC 기후센터 (2014-2015)
- 기온극한의 전 지구적 변화 분석(대학부담), 포항공대산학협력단 (2014-2015)
- 이상기후 발생현황 조사 및 조기경보 체계 설계, 기상청 (2014-2014)
- 북극 기후 변화의 통합 시그널 탐지, 한국해양과학기술원 부설 극지연구소 (2014-2015)
- CORDEX-동아시아 다중 지역기후모델 자료의 극한기후 미래전망 활용설 연구, 한국과학기술단체총연합회 (2014-2015)
- 4.9976_이월과제, 재단법인 APEC 기후센터 (2014-2015)
- 인건비풀링과제, 포항공대산학협력단 (2014-2015)
- CORDEX-동아시아 다중 지역기후모델 자료의 극한기후 미래전망 활용성 연구, 한국기상산업기술원 (2015-2016)
- 4.10586_1단계2차년도 이월과제, 한국기상산업기술원 (2015-2016)
- RCP 시나리오와 지역기후모델(GRIMS)을 이용한 CORDEX 동아시아와 한반도에서의 상세 기후변화 전망 및 불확실성 분석, 공주대학교산학협력단 (2015-2016)
- 이상기후 조기탐지 조기경보를 위한 기술개발 및 시스템원형구현용역, 기상청 (2015-2015)
- 한반도 장기 기온변화 및 도시화영향 분석, 국립기상과학원 (2015-2015)
- 연구개발과제[2015년 신설], 포항공과대학교 (2015-2038)
- 멀티모델 자료를 활용한 북극-중위도 이상기후 관련성 분석, 한국해양과학기술원 부설 극지연구소 (2016-2016)
- 학생인건비통합관리과제, 포항공대산학협력단 (2016-2040)
- 이상기후 조기·탐지 경보 기술 및 현업시스템 개발, 기상청 (2016-2016)
- RCP 시나리오와 지역기후모델을 이용한 CORDEX 동아시아 한반도에서의 상세 기후변화 전망 및 불확실성 분석, 공주대학교산학협력단 (2016-2017)
- 북반구 여름 계절길이의 장기변동 원인 분석, 한국기상산업기술원 (2016-2016)
- 북반구 여름 계절 길이의 장기변동 원인분석, 한국기상산업기술원 (2017-2017)
- 멀티모델 자료를 활용한 북극-중위도 이상기후 관련성 분석, 한국해양과학기술원 부설 극지연구소 (2017-2017)
- 4.13788_이월과제, 한국기상산업기술원 (2017-2017)
- 인도-태평양 웜풀 강화의 원인규명 및 미래전망 연구, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2017-2018)
- RCP 시나리오와 지역기후모델을 이용한 CORDEX 동아시아 한반도에서의 상세 기후변화 전망 및 불확실성 분석, 공주대학교산학협력단 (2017-2018)
- 4.13426_이월과제, 공주대학교산학협력단 (2017-2018)
- 인도-태평양 웜풀 강화의 원인규명 및 미래전망 연구, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2018-2019)
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- (이동현) 2018년 글로벌박사양성사업 글로벌역량강화프로그램, 포항공과대학교 (2018-2019)
- CCLM 지역기후모델을 이용한 RCP 및 SSP시나리오 기반의 동아시아 상세 기후변화정보 산출, 한국기상산업기술원 (2018-2018)
- 4.14715_이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2018-2019)
- 4.16529_이월과제, 한국기상산업기술원 (2019-2019)
- 4.16651_이월과제, 한국기상산업기술원 (2019-2019)
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- 4.16109 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2019-2020)
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- 인도-태평양 웜풀 강화의 원인규명 및 미래전망 연구, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2020-2021)
- R_직접비_10110228_초고속 병렬 클러스터 시스템, 포항공과대학교 (2020-2024)
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- 4.17924_이월과제, 한국기상산업기술원 (2020-2020)
- 4.17412_이월과제, 한국기상산업기술원 (2020-2020)
- SSP 기반의 동아시아 기후과정 분석 및 활용 연구, 국립기상과학원 (2020-2020)
- 4.17595 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2020-2021)
- CCLM 지역기후모델을 이용한 SSP 시나리오 기반 동아시아 상세 기후변화 정보 산출, 한국기상산업기술원 (2021-2021)
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- 4.0020607_이월과제, 공주대학교산학협력단 (2021-2021)
- [인건비과제]선도연구센터 공동연구_연세대 안순일, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2021-2022)
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- 4.0021519_이월과제, 한국기상산업기술원 (2022-2022)
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- 4.0023454_이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2023-2024)
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- 김연희,민승기, 동아시아 강수분석인자 산출 프로그램, 한국, C-2018-028432 (PR20)
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