
도이치증권 대학 추천채용 안내(Research Associate)

2014-04-16 982

도이치증권 리서치부서에서 대학 추천을 통해 Global Graduate analyst를 채용합니다.
관심 있는 졸업(예정)자께서는 아래 내용 확인 후 학생지원팀 취업담당자에게 이력서(자유양식)를 보내 주시기 바랍니다.
– 접수기한: 4/18(금) 15:00까지
– 접수방법: 이메일 발송(cmlee07@postech.ac.kr)

We have a final Graduate vacancy position available within our Equity Research division for a Graduate to join us in Seoul Office this coming July 2014. The position is not available to apply online and it is very late in the year for us to secure a top student for this role. We are therefore seeking some student nominations for this position from POSTECH (Pohang university of Science & Technology) and hope that you will be able to nominate some great students for us to consider for the position.

We are looking for a student:

– graduated by June 2014 -> those who graduate in either February or August 2014
대졸자 또는 2014 8 대학 졸업예정자에 한함)
– previous research internship experience within financial service industry (would be ideal, but not a must)

– Korean/English speaking and writing skills
– strong numerical & analytical skills
– creative problem-solving skills and a strong team ethic
– excellent communication skills and strong motivation

One of the big misconceptions about Research is that they do just research, and while this is a major component of the role, they also need to be confident and strong communicators to be able to sell research work both internally and externally.