
제17회 아운강좌 개최

종료 2017-10-27 535

노벨물리학상 수상자인 Gerardus ‘t Hooft (헤라르뒤스 엇호프트) 교수를 초청하여 아운강좌를 개최하오니 구성원 여러분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다

–    일시: 2017.10.27(금) 오후4시
–    장소: 국제관 1층 국제회의장
–    강사: 헤라르뒤스 엇호프트 교수(1999년 노벨물리학상 수상)

제17회 아운강좌 -The 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics,with M.Veltman,awarded by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, -Full Professor,Universiteit Utrecht,Netherlands // Gerardus 't Hooft 교수초청 // 'From sub-atomic particles to black holes,a world of physics in a bird's eye view' In the 1970s,the world of the tiny particles inside atoms was gradually cleared up by exciting new techniques in experimental observation as well as new theoretical insights. This resulted in the 'Standard Model',a precise description of the ways all known sub-atomic particles interact.Yet in spite of its elegance and accuracy, the Standard Model still has some dark comers. The gravitational forces must generate new structures at much tinier scales that we still do not understand.They could contain ultra tiny black holes.How does this work?Studying black holes and their relation with quantum particles should give us further clues.But how? Opitions and approaches differ. The human side of this endeavour is also interesting. // -Date&Time:4:00~5:30pm,Friday,October 27,2017 -Venue:POSCO International Center(1F,102) -Contact:Prof.Jaemo Park(jaemo@postech.ac.kr), Prof.Woo-Sung Jung(wsjung@postech.ac.kr)