
2015년 K-MOVE UniKamp 안내

2015-04-20 932

 2015년 K-MOVE UniKamp 안내
2015 k-MOVE UniKamp 주요 내용 및 일정은 다음과 같습니다.

1. Lite – a one-week program with focus on development and pivoting. (June & August)
2. Intensive – a two-week comprehensive program for startups with an existing prototype. (July)
3. Pitching – one-week program with emphasis developing the startup’s story and pitch. (September)
4. Mini – short customizable lectures with various audiences and size open upon request. (Upon Request)

자세한 내용은 첨부 파일을 참고하세요.

Ms. Myunglae Choi (mingli@kotra.or.kr) +1-408-432-5005
Mr. Hanmin Yang (hanmin@kotrasc.org) +1-408-432-5097