
CHAPTER 7 – Leave of Absence, Returning to School, Dropping, & Dismissal

2013-07-30 542

Article 23 (General Leave of Absence)

(1) Students who want a general leave of absence during a semester due to unexpected reasons are permitted to do so after a completed Petition for Leave of Absence, attached with Statement of Reason co-signed by a guardian, is submitted to and approved by the advisor, department head, and by the President, before the date marking the last 1/4 of classes. But if taking classes is impossible due to illness, natural calamity, or legal reasons, Petition for Leave of Absence can be granted by the President even after 3/4 of the semester has passed.
(2) A General Leave of Absence period cannot exceed two semesters at a time, or be taken more than two times during the total term of study at POSTECH. However, under certain unavoidable circumstances, such as illness, an additional leave of absence can be approved by the President.
(3) The President can order a Leave of Absence for those who are deemed unfit for taking regular classes.

Article 24 (Leave of Absence for Military Service)

(1) Those who have to take a leave of absence to fulfill their military obligation should also follow the same procedures as provided in Article 23(1) above, but the absence period in this case can be extended, despite the stipulation of Article 23(2). Entering into military service during the same period as a General Leave of Absence, is considered as a Leave of Absence for Military Service.
(2) Students entering into military service during the period of a General Leave of Absence should also submit a Petition for Leave of Absence.

Article 25 (Returning to School)

(1) Students whose term of absence is expired or whose statement of reason is no longer valid should submit an Application for Returning Students for approval by the department head and the President during the registration period of the semester when they intend to return to school.
(2) The Application for Returning Students who have finished military service should be made within one year of the end of military service. When the dismissal date from military service falls within the last 1/4 of class days, students can return to school despite stipulation (1) above.

Article 26 (Dropping out)

Students wishing to drop out should submit a detailed Statement of Reason co-signed by their guardian and approved by their advisor, the department head, and the President.

Article 27 (Dismissal)

Students falling into one of the following categories may be expelled from the university by the President after deliberation by the Academic Affairs Committee.
(i) Students not returning to school in the semester immediately after the expiration of their leave of absence.
(ii) Students who have not completed registration during the prescribed registration period in each semester.
(iii) Students who have received academic warnings a total of three times and who are also considered unfit for academic performance.
(iv) Students who have been expelled in accordance with Article 50 of these Regulations.
(v) Students who have not completed all required courses within the prescribed total term of study.

Article 27-2 (Petition for Redeliberation)

Those who oppose a dismissal decision made by the Academic Affairs Committee according to Article 27 above can file a Petition for Redeliberation within two weeks of the notified date of such dismissal.