
Dormitory Fee Payment for Spring 2016 (April)

2016-03-30 959

               Dormitory Fee Payment for Spring 2016 (April)

Please refer to the following information and pay your dormitory fee during the designated payment period.

○ Payment Period: Mon, April 4 ~ Fri, April 8, 2016

○ How to Make a Payment: Pay dormitory fee to your virtual account written on the bill.
The bill will be sent via e-mail on Wed, March 30. 
    – Students can verify their payments on POVIS after 10 am on the next day of their payments.

      (POVIS / Work Area / Housing & Service Management / Dormitories…)

○ Payment Amount: Please refer to the information on POVIS
    – POVIS / Work Area / Housing & Service Management / Dormitories / Dormitory Fee per Building

○ Dormitory regulations shall apply to students who fail to make a payment.
    – 1st default: The students will be warned and notified of the consequences of two consecutive late payments.
    – 2nd default: 20 penalty points will be imposed and the students will not be allowed to enter the dormitory.
     (Students who opt for the installment payment plan must pay the remaining balance in a lump sum, and will not be eligible for the installment plan until their graduation.)
    – 3rd default: 10 extra penalty points will be imposed and the students will be barred from residing
      in the dormitory for the next regular semester.

○ Students who move out of dormitory during the semester will receive a refund for the remaining months.
   (Please note that the rent for the month in which you terminate the residency will not be refunded.)

○ Contact Information
   * Please call us at 188 (on-campus) or (054) 279-0188 (off-campus)
   * e-mail:

※ Only Graduate Students.