
POSTECH-Tel Aviv University Joint Workshop 2023 (Aug 7)

Past 2023-08-07 09:00 174

POSTECH will host a Joint Workshop with Tel Aviv University(TAU) in Israel to discuss research initiatives and strengthen collaboration between two universities.

1. Date and Time: August 7, 2023 (Mon) 09:00~17:30
2. Venue: POSTECH (POSCO International Center, Biotech Center)
3. How to participate: online pre-registration (https://pco.postech.ac.kr/) or on-site participation
4. Session Overview
1) Session 1: Photonics / Light-Matter Interaction (Venue: International Hall, Boardroom D)
2) Session 2: Biomaterials and Biomedicine (Location: International Hall Boardroom C)
3) Session 3: Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Smart Cities/Grids (Location: International Hall, Boardroom B)
4) Session 4: Electrochemistry, Energy, and Electrokinetics (Location: International Hall, Boardroom A)
5) Session 5: Immunology & Plant Biology
– Session 5-1 Immunology (Location: Biotechnology Research Center, Room 182)
– Session 5-2 Plant Biology (Location: Biotechnology Research Center, Room 179)
5. Inquiries
1) Joint Workshop: Research Planning Team (+82-54-279-3664~5 / hjan56@postech.ac.kr, k0703@postech.ac.kr)
2) MOU signing ceremony and partnerships with TAU: External Relations and Communications Team (+82-54-279-2414 / teapond1006@postech.ac.kr)

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