
Support for Students Taking MOOCs

2015-12-23 2,146

 Support for Students Taking MOOCs

The POSTECH is supporting all its students taking MOOCS.
● For: Regular graduate and undergraduate students enrolled on the date of MOOC certification.

● Amount: Up to 30,000 per course, and 3 courses per year (Jan. – Dec.)

● MOOCs: All courses provided by Coursera and edX(over 2,000 courses)
♣ Coursera: / certificate fee: $49 per course
♣ edX: / certificate fee: $25-$99 per course (mostly $50)

● Procedure: Certificate fee will be reimbursed upon submission of certificate and receipt twice a year (Jun., Dec.).

● Effective from: Dec. 2015 (winter vacation)

* Please take a look at attached MOOC List recommended by faculty members.

Dec. 23, 2015

Director, Center for Excellence in Education