![유동현 사진](/portlet-repositories/erp/100446.jpg)
성명 | 유동현 |
소속 | 기계공학과 |
전화번호 | 054-279-2191 |
dhyou@postech.ac.kr | |
Homepage | http://fpe.postech.ac.kr/postech |
- 1999.10 ~ 2004.06 STANFORD UNIVERSITY (박사-Mechanical Engineering)
- 1995.03 ~ 1998.02 서울대학교 (석사-Mechanical Engineering)
- 1990.03 ~ 1995.08 연세대학교 (학사-Mechanical Engineering)
- 2009.01 ~ 2011.12 : CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY
- 2004.06 ~ 2008.12 : STANFORD UNIVERSITY
- 유체역학
- 난류
- 전산유체역학
- 유체-구조 연동
- 생태모방공학
- 비정상 압력 구배에 의한 난류 경계층 유동 박리 현상의 동적 모드 분할 분석, 대한기계학회논문집 B, , 44, 119-125 (2020)
- Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow over the DrivAer fastback vehicle model, JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS, , 186, 123-138 (2019)
- Prediction of a typhoon track using a generative adversarial network and satellite images, Scientific Reports, , 9, - (2019)
- Grid-independent large-eddy simulation of turbulent wake flow using explicit differential filters, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , 33, 1641-1649 (2019)
- Data-driven prediction of unsteady flow over a circular cylinder using deep learning, JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, , 879, 217-254 (2019)
- A numbering-up metal microreactor for the high-throughput production of a commercial drug by copper catalysis, LAB ON A CHIP, , 19, 3535-3542 (2019)
- A GPU-accelerated semi-implicit fractional-step method for numerical solutions of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , 352, 246-264 (2018)
- Effects of the interface position of water-air flow on turbulent wall structures, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , 32, 689-695 (2018)
- A 3D-printed flow distributor with uniform flow rate control for multi-stacked microfluidic systems, Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology, , 18, 1250-1258 (2018)
- Integrated simulation of turbulent convection, radiation and conduction during a selenization process for large-scale CIGS thin films, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, , 125, 761-771 (2018)
- Optimization of Biomimetic Propulsive Kinematics of a Flexible Foil Using Integrated Computational Fluid Dynamics-Computational Structural Dynamics Simulations, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, , 141, - (2018)
- Salient Drag Reduction of a Heavy Vehicle Using Modified Cab-Roof Fairings, JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS, , 164, 138-151 (2017)
- Large-eddy simulation analysis of turbulent flow over a two-blade horizontal wind turbine rotor, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , 30, 4989-4996 (2016)
- Analysis of thermoacoustic instability with corresponding eigenfrequencies in a large scale industrial oil furnace, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , 30, 4979-4988 (2016)
- A conservative finite volume method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on locally refined nested Cartesian grids, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , 326, 845-861 (2016)
- Reduction of drag in heavy vehicles with two different types of advanced side skirts, JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS, , 155, 36-46 (2016)
- Analysis of thermoacoustic instability with corresponding eigenfrequencies in a large scale industrial oil furnace, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , 30, 4979-4988 (2016)
- Continuum Modeling of Deformation and Aggregation of red blood cells, JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, , 49, 2267-2297 (2015)
- Reynolds number effect on turbulent secondary flow in a duct, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , 28, 1311-1318 (2014)
- Reynolds number effect on turbulent secondary flow in a duct, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , 28, 1311-1318 (2014)
- An implicit ghost-cell immersed boundary method for simulations of moving body problems with control of spurious force oscillations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , 233, 295-314 (2013)
- A dynamic global-coefficient mixed subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW, , 42, 94-104 (2013)
- Study of vortex-shedding-induced vibration of a flexible splitter plate behind a cylinder, Physics of Fluids, , 25, 110811- (2013)
- An implicit ghost-cell immersed boundary method for simulations of moving body problems with control of spurious force oscillations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , 233, 295-314 (2013)
- Large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow using explicit filtering and dynamic mixed models, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, , 24, 85105- (2012)
- An implicit ghost-cell immersed boundary method for simulations of moving body problems with control of spurious force oscillations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , , - (2012)
- A multi-block ADI finite-volume method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in complex geometries, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , 230, 7400-7417 (2011)
- Estimation of Roughness Parameters Within Sparse Urban-Like Obstacle Arrays, BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY, , 139, 457-485 (2011)
- Grid-independent large-eddy simulation using explicit filtering, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, , 22, 105103- (2010)
- Nonlinear dynamics and synthetic-jet-based control of a canonical separated flow, JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, , 654, 65-97 (2010)
- A dynamic global-coefficient subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulation of turbulent scalar transport in complex geometries, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, , 21, 45109- (2009)
- Active control of flow separation over an airfoil using synthetic jets, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, , 24, 1349-1357 (2008)
- Discrete conservation principles in large-eddy simulation with application to separation control over an airfoil, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, , 20, 101515- (2008)
- Large-eddy simulation analysis of mechanisms for viscous losses in a turbomachinery tip-clearance flow, JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, , 586, 177-204 (2007)
- Effects of hydrophobic surfaces on the drag and lift of a circular cylinder, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, , 19, 81701- (2007)
- Vortex dynamics and low-pressure fluctuations in the tip-clearance flow, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, , 129, 1002-1014 (2007)
- A dynamic global-coefficient subgrid-scale eddy-viscosity model for large-eddy simulation in complex geometries, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, , 19, 65110- (2007)
- A methodology for high performance computation of fully inhomogeneous turbulent flows, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS, , 53, 947-968 (2007)
- Large-eddy simulations of longitudinal vortices embedded in a turbulent boundary layer, AIAA JOURNAL, , 44, 3032-3039 (2006)
- Large-eddy simulation of flow over a wall-mounted hump with separation control, AIAA JOURNAL, , 44, 2571-2577 (2006)
- A quasi-generalized-coordinate approach for numerical simulation of complex flows, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, , 128, 1394-1399 (2006)
- Effects of tip-gap size on the tip-leakage flow in a turbomachinery cascade, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, , 18, 105102- (2006)
- A high order Pade-ADI method for unsteady convection-diffusion equations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , 214, 1-11 (2006)
- Analysis of stability and accuracy of finite-difference schemes on a skewed mesh, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, , 213, 184-204 (2006)
- Study of tip-clearance flow in turbomachines using large-eddy simulation, COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, , 6, 38-46 (2004)
- Computational methodology for large-eddy simulation of tip-clearance flows, AIAA JOURNAL, , 42, 271-279 (2004)
- Control of flow-induced noise behind a circular cylinder using splitter plates, AIAA JOURNAL, , 36, 1961-1967 (1998)
- 가상경계기법을 통한 협착된 미세혈관에서 적혈구 분포의 수치 해석, 한국전산유체공학회지, , 24, 108-113 (2019)
- 화학 수송 모델과 기상 모델을 이용한 석탄 화력 발전소에서배출되는 미세먼지의 거동 분석, 한국전산유체공학회지, , 24, 34-42 (2019)
- 유체-입자 연동 개별요소해석 기법의 데이터 구조와 알고리즘, 한국전산유체공학회지, , 23, 112-121 (2018)
- 화물차 주위 유동의 성긴 격자 큰 에디모사, 한국전산유체공학회지, , 21, 30-35 (2016)
- Numerical simulation of liquid-layer breakup on a moving wall due to an impinging jet, Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, , , 109-114 (2014)
- Separating and reattaching turbulent boundary layer due to an unsteady adverse pressure gradient, The 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), 0, 0, - (2019)
- Mechanisms of Convolutional Neural Networks for Learning Three-Dimensional Unsteady Wake Flow, The 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), 0, 0, - (2019)
- An Immersed Interface Method for the Acoustic Wave Equations with Discontinuous Coefficients, 5th Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, 0, 0, - (2019)
- A scalable multi-GPU solver for direct numerical simulation of boundary layer flow, The 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), 0, 0, - (2018)
- Data-Driven Prediction of Unsteady Flow over a Circular Cylinder UsingDeep Learning, The 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), 0, 0, - (2018)
- 화학 수송 모델과 기상 모델을 이용한 석탄 화력발전소 발생 미세먼지 분포 및 확산 예측, The 10th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, 0, 0, - (2018)
- The 10th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, The 10th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, 0, 0, - (2018)
- 머신 러닝을 이용한 터보 기계 내 유동 해석의 자동화, The 10th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, 0, 0, - (2018)
- Chemical transport modeling for predicting secondary fine particles generated from coal-fired power plant, The 56th KOSCO symposium, 0, 0, - (2018)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Wet Steam Flow in a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle, 2016 한국유체기계학회 동계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, - (2016)
- Prediction of Flow-Induced Noise Over a Realistic Automotive Vehicle, BULLETIN OF 69TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE DIVISION OF FLUID DYNAMICS, 0, 0, - (2016)
- A GPU-Accelerated Semi-Implicit Fractional-Step Method for Numerical Solutions of Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, 2016 대한기계학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, - (2016)
- 국부 해상도 향상 격자 상의 유체해석을 위한 보존형 유한체적법, 2016 한국전산유체공학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, - (2016)
- 바람소리 경로 CAT 기법 개발과 카울탑 커버 형상 최적화, 한국음향학회 2016년 추계학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, - (2016)
- Computational Modeling of Chemical Reaction in a Selenization Process of CIGS Solar Cells, 제9회 한국유체공학학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, - (2016)
- Computational Analysis of an Air Jet in Cross Water Flow, 제9회 한국유체공학학술대회 논문집, 0, 0, - (2016)
- Reduction of Aerodynamic Drag Over a Heavy Vehicle Using Side Skirts, AEROVEHICLES 2, 0, 0, - (2016)
- Numerical Simulation of an Air Jet in Cross Water Flow with Application to Air-Layer Drag Reduction, 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIPHASE FLOW, 0, 0, - (2016)
- Continuum Modeling of Deformation and Aggregation of Red Blood Cells, 순환기의공학회 동계학술대회, 0, 0, - (2015)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow Over a Heavy Vehicle with Side Skirts, 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회, 0, 0, - (2015)
- Numerical Study of Bruits from a 3D Model of Arterial Stenosis, ASME- JSME-KSME JOINT FLUIDS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2015)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow Over a Heavy Vehicle with Drag Reduction Devices, ASME-JSME-KSME JOINT FLUIDS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2015)
- Computational Design of Flapping Kinematics of a Flexible Finite-Span Foil, ASME-JSME-KSME JOINT FLUIDS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2015)
- A Semi-Implicit ADI Finite-Volume Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Compressible Turbulent Flow, ASME-JSME-KSME JOINT FLUIDS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2015)
- 캡루프 페어링 형상이 화물차의 항력 감소에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구, 제18회 한국풍공학회논문집, 0, 0, - (2015)
- Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer In Stacked Heat Exchangers Using Multi-Level Resolution, 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 0, 0, - (2015)
- Separated Turbulent Boundary Layer Under Unsteady Adverse Pressure Gradients: DNS and RANS, ASME 2014 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS & EXPOSITION, 0, 0, - (2014)
- Optimization of Propulsion Kinematics of a Flexible Foil Using Inte- grated CFD-CSD Simulations, IMECE2012-93080, 0, 0, - (2012)
- Optimal Design of Biologically-Inspired Foil Kinematics Using Integrated CFD-CSD Simulations, 29TH SYMPOSIUM ON NAVAL HYDRODYNAMICS, 0, 0, - (2012)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Unsteady Separation Over a Pitching Airfoil at High Reynolds Number, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS, 0, 0, - (2012)
- Study of Vortex-Shedding-Induced Vibration of a Flexible Splitter Plate Behind a Cylinder, ASME FEDSM 2012-72302, 0, 0, - (2012)
- Accuracy of Subfilter Scale Models for Explicitly Filtered Large-Eddy Simulation in Wall Bounded Flows, 7TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TURBULENCE AND SHEAR FLOW PHENOMENA, 0, 0, - (2011)
- Computational Methodology for Integrated CFD-CSD Simulations of Fluid- Structure Interaction Problems, ASME FEDSM-ICNMM 2010-31199, 0, 0, - (2010)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Separation of Turbulent Boundary Layers, AIAA 2010-4272, 0, 0, - (2010)
- Study of Turbulent Reacting Flow in a Jet Engine Combustor Us- ing Large-Eddy Simulation, 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TURBULENCE AND SHEAR FLOW PHENOMENA, 0, 0, - (2009)
- Large Eddy Simulation Analysis of Turbulent Combustion in a Gas Turbine Engine Combustor, 7TH INTERNATIONAL ERCOFTAC SYMPOSIUM ON ENGINEERING TURBULENCE MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS, 0, 0, - (2008)
- Application of a Dynamic Global-Coefficient Subgrid-Scale Eddy-Viscosity Model for Large-Eddy Simulation in Complex Geometries, ASME FEDSM 2007-37486, 0, 0, - (2007)
- A Numerical Study of ZNMF Jet Lift Enhancement of a NACA 0015 Airfoil, IUTAM SYMPOSIUM ON UNSTEADY SEPARATED FLOWS AND THEIR CONTROL, 0, 0, - (2007)
- Integrated Computations of an Entire Jet Engine, GT2007-27094., 0, 0, - (2007)
- On RANS/LES Coupling for Integrated Computations of Jet Engines, GT2007-27096., 0, 0, - (2007)
- Numerical Simulations of Synthetic Jet Based Separation Control in a Canonical Separated Flow, AIAA 2007-1308, 0, 0, - (2007)
- Integrated RANS/LES Computations of an Entire Gas Turbine Jet Engine, AIAA 2007-1117, 0, 0, - (2007)
- CHIMPS: A High-Performance Scalable Module for Multi-Physics Simulations, AIAA 2006-5274, 0, 0, - (2006)
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Rotor Tip-Clearance Flow Using Large-Eddy Simulation., DOD HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING MODERNIZATION PROGRAM’S USER GROUP CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2005)
- Vortex Dynamics and Mechanisms for Viscous Losses in the Tip-Clearance Flow, ASME FEDSM 2005-77175, 0, 0, - (2005)
- Prediction and Analysis of Rotor Tip-Clearance Flows Using Large Eddy Simulation, DOD HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING MODERNIZATION PROGRAM’S USER GROUP CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2004)
- A Computational Methodology for Large-Eddy Simulation of Tip-Clearance Flows, ASME FEDSM 2003-45395, 0, 0, - (2003)
- Large-Eddy Simulation and Analysis of Tip-Clearance Flows in Turbomachinery Applications, DOD HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING MODERNIZATION PRO- GRAM’S USER GROUP CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2003)
- Study of Rotor Tip-Clearance Flow Using Large- Eddy Simulation, AIAA 2003-0838, 0, 0, - (2003)
- Progress in Large-Eddy Simulation of a Rotor Tip-Clearance Flow., DOD HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING MODERNIZATION PROGRAM’S USER GROUP CONFERENCE, 0, 0, - (2002)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of a Rotor Tip-Clearance Flow, AIAA 2002-0981, 0, 0, - (2002)
- 강화학습기법을 이용한 유체기계 유동해석 자동화 기술 개발, 추계학술대회, 0, 0, - (2018)
- Numerical investigation of flow over a wall mounted circular cylinder with a finite free end, The 8th international conference on vortex flow mechanics, 0, 0, - (2018)
- Wall modeling for large eddy simulation of boundary layer flows using neural networks, The 8th international conference on vortex flow mechanics, 0, 0, - (2018)
- Uncertainty estimation in URANS simulations for separated boundary layer fow using DNS data, The 8th international conference on vortex flow mechanics, 0, 0, - (2018)
- Deep learning Prediction of Unsteady Flow Using Generative Adversarial Networks, 대한기계학회 유체부문 춘계학술대회, 0, 0, - (2018)
- Reconstruction of Unsteady Flow Over a Circular Cylinder Using Deep Learning, 70th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, 0, 0, - (2017)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow Over the DrivAer Fastback Vehicle Model, 70th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, 0, 0, - (2017)
- A GPU-Accelerated Semi-Implicit Fractional Step Method for Numerical Solutions of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, 70th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, 0, 0, - (2017)
- Numerical Study of Particle Dispersion from a Power Plant Chimney, Fall Meeting of the Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering, 0, 0, - (2017)
- Chemical Reaction Modeling in a Selenization Process of CIGS Thin Film Solar Cells, Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 0, 0, - (2017)
- Large Eddy Simulation of the Turbine Cascade Using the Simultaneous Approximation Term, Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 0, 0, - (2017)
- Conservative Finite-Volume Method for a Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations on a Nested Cartesian Grid, Fall Meeting of the Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering, 0, 0, - (2016)
- Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow Separation Over a Wall Mounted Circular Cylinder, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow Over a Heavy Vehicle with Drag Reduction Devices, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- A GPU-Accelerated Semi-Implicit ADI Method for Incompressible and Com- pressible Navier-Stokes Equations, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Continuum Modeling of Rheology and Aggregation of Red Blood Cells, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Integrated Simulation of Turbulent Convection, Radiation and Conduction During Mass Production of CIGS Thin Films, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Numerical simulation of liquid-layer breakup on a moving wall due to an impinging jet, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Evaluation of turbulence models for prediction of separated turbulent boundary layer under unsteady adverse pressure gradients, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Numerical study of blood flow and bruits from a realistic arterial stenosis, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Prediction of the Thermal Performance of Stacked Heat Exchangers in an SOFC System, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- An alternating-direction implicit finite volume method for compressible Navier-Stokes equations, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- GPU accelerated direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow over a flat plate, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- A computational methodology for integrated simulations of turbulent convection, radiation and conduction, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Effects of flexibility of finite-span wing on fluid dynamic performance, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Dynamic mode decomposition of separated turbulent boundary layer under unsteady adverse pressure gradients, 대한기계학회 유체공학부문 춘계학술대회, 0, 0, - (2014)
- A Continuum Model of Red Blood Cell Deformation and Aggregation, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- 비정상압력구배에 의한 난류경계층 박리의 수치해석, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- 유연익 추진동작의 전산설계, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- 축류 증기터빈 제어단에서의 비정상 유동특성에 관한 연구, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Turbulence characteristics of separated boundary layer under unsteady pressure gradients, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Computational Design of Flapping Kinematics of a Flexible Finite-Span Foil, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Dynamic Analysis of Red Blood Cell Deformation Using Fluid-Structure Interaction, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- 난류유동의 외재필터 큰에디모사를 위한 가환성 귀납필터 개발, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- High-Fidelity Computation of Red Blood Cell Deformation, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- Commutative Recursive Filters for Explicit-Filter Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Separation Under Unsteady Pressure Gradients, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- Computational Design of Fluid-Structure Interaction with Biological Inspiration for Energy/Propulsion Applications, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- Control of Compressor Rotor Tip-Clearance Flow Using Large Eddy Simulation, ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- A Fully Conservative Finite-Volume Method for incom- pressible Navier-Stokes equations on Locally Refines Nested Cartesian Grids, ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers Under Unsteady Pressure Gradients, ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- An Implicit Ghost-Cell Immersed Boundary Method with Mass Source and Sink for Simulations of Moving-Body Problems with Control of Spurious Pressure Oscillations, ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- A Dynamic Global-Coefficient Mixed Subgrid-Scale Model for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows, ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- A Finite-Volume ADI Method for Simulation of Incompressible Flows on Curvilinear Grids, ., 0, 0, - (2010)
- Grid-Independent Large-Eddy Simulation of Compressible Turbulent Flows Using Explicit Filtering, ., 0, 0, - (2010)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Flow Over a Multi-Element Airfoil, ., 0, 0, - (2009)
- Large-Eddy Simulation Analysis of Turbulent Combustion in a Jet-Engine Combustor, ., 0, 0, - (2008)
- Grid Independent Large-Eddy Simulation Using Explicit Filtering, ., 0, 0, - (2008)
- Numerical Simulations of the Bursting of a Laminar Separation Bubble and Its Relation to Airfoil Stall, ., 0, 0, - (2007)
- Numerical Simulation of ZNMF Jet Lift Enhancement of a NACA 0015 Airfoil, ., 0, 0, - (2006)
- Control of Dynamic Stall Using Zero-Net-Mass-Flux Oscillatory Jets, ., 0, 0, - (2006)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Flow Over an Airfoil with Synthetic Jet Control, ., 0, 0, - (2006)
- Prediction and Control of Turbulent Separation Over a Wall- Mounted Hump, ., 0, 0, - (2005)
- Mechanisms for Viscous Losses and Low-Pressure Events in the Tip-Clearance Flow of a Turbomachinery Cascade., ., 0, 0, - (2004)
- Study of Tip-Clearance Flow Using Large-Eddy Simulation, ., 0, 0, - (2002)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of a Rotor Tip-Clearance Flow, ., 0, 0, - (2001)
- Study of Tip-Clearance Flow and Stator-Rotor Interaction Using Large-Eddy Simulation, ., 0, 0, - (2000)
- Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, , 유동현 (2008)
- Proceedings of the Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research, Center for Turbulence Research, , 유동현 (2008)
- Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 517, YOU, D (2008)
- Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, , 유동현 (2007)
- Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 411, YOU, D (2007)
- Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, , 유동현 (2006)
- Proceedings of the Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research, Center for Turbulence Research, , 유동현 (2006)
- Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 374, YOU, D (2006)
- 적혈구 응집 유동의 직접수치모사, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2012-2013)
- SE化 공정 中 발생하는 얼룩현상 원인계 규명, 삼성에스디아이(주) (2012-2012)
- 신규부임교수 기자재지원비(대학부담), 포항공과대학교 (2012-2013)
- 다중규모 다물리 유동현상의 물리적 이해 및 공학적 응용, 포항공과대학교 (2013-2014)
- 연구개발과제, 포항공과대학교 (2013-2022)
- 인건비풀링과제, 포항공과대학교 (2013-2015)
- 신규부임교수 기자재지원비, 포항공과대학교 (2013-2014)
- 학생인건비통합관리과제, 포항공대산학협력단 (2013-2040)
- 적혈구 응집 유동의 직접수치모사, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2013-2014)
- 3D CFD에 의한 진동 가진력 계산 및 진동해석, 두산중공업(주) (2013-2013)
- 4.8285_1차년도 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2013-2014)
- 5G SE化 공정 中 발생하는 얼룩현상 원인계 규명, 삼성에스디아이㈜ (2013-2014)
- 5G SE화 공정 중 발생하는 얼룩현상 원인계 규명, 삼성에스디아이㈜ (2013-2014)
- CGL 비산아연 포집기술 개발, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2014-2015)
- 다중규모 다물리 유동현상의 물리적 이해 및 공학적 응용(대학부담), 포항공대산학협력단 (2014-2015)
- 신규부임교수 기자재지원비(대학부담), 포항공대산학협력단 (2014-2015)
- 10KW급 건물용 SOFC 베타 시스템 적층형 열교환기의 열유동 특성 도출, (주)포스코에너지 (2014-2014)
- 다상유동 해석코드 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2014-2015)
- ATTEMPERATOR 전산 유동해석 및 열전달해석, 두산중공업(주) (2014-2014)
- 적혈구 응집 유동의 직접수치모사, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2014-2015)
- 4.9701의 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2014-2015)
- CIGS 박막 태양전지 전구체의 셀렌화 공정 최적화를 위한 난류 열유동 예측 및 제어, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2014-2015)
- 유체유발진동해석 후처리프로그램 개발, 두산중공업(주) (2014-2016)
- R_직접비_10102576_CUTE-1MP/R PLASMA PROCESSING SYSTEM, 포항공과대학교 (2015-2024)
- R_간접비_학과관리운영비과제, 포항공과대학교 (2015-2024)
- R_직접비_10109905_DELL PE R320, 포항공과대학교 (2015-2024)
- CAT 및 최적화 기법을 활용한 저소음형 카울탑 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2015-2016)
- CGL 무산화 체임버 내의 질소가스 유동에 대한 상세수치해석 및 제어 연구, 포스코강판주식회사 (2015-2015)
- [G/S]태양광 발전용 초대면적 박막의 셀렌화(열처리) 공정 최적화 기술 연구, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2015-2016)
- RGB 기판 건조 공정 중 솔벤트 유동에 의한 기판 위 압력분포에 대한 기술 자문, 주식회사 테라세미콘 (2015-2015)
- 연구개발과제[2015년 신설], 포항공과대학교 (2015-2035)
- 5G SE化 공정 中 발생하는 얼룩현상 원인계 해석 및 회피에 관한 기술자문, 주식회사 테라세미콘 (2015-2015)
- CIGS 박막 태양전지 전구체의 셀렌화 공정 최적화를 위한 난류 열유동 예측 및 제어, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2015-2016)
- 3D 세포 바이오 프린팅 및 진단 시스템 노즐에서의 세포변형 해석기술 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2015-2016)
- 4.11691_1단계 1차년도 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2015-2016)
- 혁신적인 조선해양분야 요소/원천기술 및 전문가 조사, 삼성중공업(주) (2016-2016)
- 터보기계 유동 해석용 자동격자 생성 프로그램 개발, 두산중공업(주) (2016-2017)
- 전착 2차 흐름 해석 기술 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2016-2017)
- (자문계약)맥스웰 방정식의 2차원 및 축대칭 해석 기술개발 자문, 주식회사 엠에프알씨 (2016-2017)
- 3D 세포 바이오 프린팅 및 진단 시스템 노즐에서의 세포변형 해석기술 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2016-2017)
- CIGS 박막 태양전지 전구체의 셀렌화 공정 최적화를 위한 난류 열유동 예측 및 제어, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2016-2017)
- 자동차 운행 중 타이어 및 브레이크에서 발생하는 미세먼지 집진 장치의 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2016-2017)
- 턴디시 MOVING WEIR 공정에 대한 기초 연구, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2017-2017)
- 화력발전소 발생 미세먼지/전구물질의 거동 및 확산 패턴 분석을 위한 통합관제 시스템 개발, 한국생산기술연구원 (2016-2017)
- 4.13016_이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2016-2017)
- R_직접비_10122996_DICING SYSTEM, 포항공과대학교 (2017-2024)
- VCB 주울열 및 와전류 손실을 고려한 온도상승 해석기술 개발, 현대일렉트릭앤에너지시스템(주) (2017-2018)
- [기술개발비]유체흐름의 학습을 통한 비모사 예측 및 제어 인공지능기술 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2017-2017)
- [기계]지식재산출원등록비 연구자별 과제, 포항공대산학협력단 (2017-2029)
- 딥러닝 기반 철강공정 열유동 예측 기술 개발, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2017-2018)
- 아르곤 가스와 입자의 상호작용 및 용강 유동패턴 연구, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2017-2018)
- 유체흐름의 학습을 통한 비모사 예측 및 제어 인공지능기술 개발, 삼성전자(주) (2017-2020)
- [기술개발비]딥러닝 기반 철강공정 열유동 기술 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2017-2018)
- 맥스웰 방정식의 3차원 해석 기술개발 자문, 주식회사 엠에프알씨 (2017-2018)
- 태풍의 경로 및 세기 예측을 위한 순환회선신경망 인공지능기술 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2017-2018)
- 화력발전소 발생 미세먼지/전구물질의 거동 및 확산 패턴 분석을 위한 통합관제 시스템 개발, 한국생산기술연구원 (2017-2018)
- 4.14385(1차년도) 이월과제, 한국생산기술연구원 (2017-2018)
- 유체분사롤 적용시 스트립 진동 저감을 위한 유로패턴 최적화 연구, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2018-2019)
- WATER-OIL 균질 압연윤활을 위한 MIXING BODY 설계, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2018-2018)
- 아르곤 가스와 입자의 상호작용 및 용강 유동패턴 연구, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2018-2018)
- [기술개발비]유체분사롤 적용시 스트립 진동 저감을 위한 유로패턴 최적화 연구, 포항공대산학협력단 (2018-2018)
- [기술개발비]WATER-OIL 균질 압연윤활을 위한 MIXING BODY 설계, 포항공대산학협력단 (2018-2018)
- 하이드로 엔진 마운트 댐핑의 작동원리 파악 및 기술개발 강화 방안 수립, 현대엔지비(주) (2017-2019)
- 태풍의 경로 및 세기 예측을 위한 순환회선신경망 인공지능기술 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2018-2019)
- 4.15535 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2018-2019)
- 벽걸이 겸용 슬림형 공기청정기 개발제품의 집진성능 및 소음도개선, 콤마 주식회사 (2018-2019)
- 연료주입 시 연료탱크 내 유증기&연료 오버플로우 시뮬레이션, 현대엔지비(주) (2018-2018)
- GT BLADE COOLING 전용 IN-HOUSE FEM SOLVER 개발, 두산중공업(주) (2018-2019)
- GPU 기술을 활용한 유동해석 병렬처리 알고리즘 개발, 두산중공업(주) (2018-2019)
- 딥러닝 기반 철강공정 열유동 예측 기술 개발, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2018-2019)
- [4.17041_기술개발비]딥러닝 기반 철강공정 열유동예측 기술개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2018-2019)
- 아르곤 가스와 입자의 상호작용 및 용강 유동패턴 연구, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2018-2019)
- 화력발전소 발생 미세먼지/전구물질의 거동 및 확산 패턴 분석을 위한 통합관제 시스템 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원 (2018-2019)
- 태풍의 경로 및 세기 예측을 위한 순환회선신경망 인공지능기술 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2019-2020)
- 엔진마운트 작동음 해석 기술 개발, 현대엔지비(주) (2019-2019)
- 4.16263/16424 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2019-2020)
- 딥러닝 기반 철강공정 열유동 예측 기술 개발, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2019-2020)
- POSLX-SE 상공정 배관 막힘 SIMULATION 및 방지기술 개발, 포스코홀딩스(주) (2019-2020)
- 화력발전소 발생 미세먼지/전구물질의 거동 및 확산 패턴 분석을 위한 통합관제 시스템 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원 (2019-2019)
- (신규)학생인건비통합관리계정(기계), 포항공대산학협력단 (2019-2040)
- [4.18703_기술개발]POSLX-SE 상공정 배관 막힘 SIMULATION 및 방지기술 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2019-2020)
- [4.18701_기술개발]딥러닝 기바 철강공정 열유동 예측기술 개발, 포항공대산학협력단 (2019-2020)
- 유체흐름의 인공지능 학습: 무엇을 그리고 어떻게, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2019-2021)
- 풍력단지 효율 향상을 위한 인공지능 기반 풍력 예측 및 터빈 제어 기술 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원 (2019-2020)
- 풍력 발전 시스템 전산해석 기술, 까페24 주식회사 (2020-2020)
- 태풍의 경로 및 세기 예측을 위한 순환회선신경망 인공지능기술 개발, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2020-2020)
- R_직접비_10063315_HP WORKSTION,XW8400, 포항공과대학교 (2020-2024)
- 수중방사소음 규제를 대비한 프로펠러 수중방사소음 해석 정도 향상 기술 개발, 한국조선해양(주) (2020-2020)
- 미세 도금 공정용 BASKET 제작, (주)아이에스시 (2020-2021)
- 브레이크 페달 작동시 엔진기류음 근본개선 연구, 현대엔지비(주) (2020-2020)
- 노내억류(IVR) 사고 전략 유효성 평가를 위한 고난류 노심용융물 풀 고정밀 전산 해석, 한국수력원자력(주)중앙연구원 (2020-2021)
- 풍력단지 효율 향상을 위한 인공지능 기반 풍력 예측 및 터빈 제어 기술 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원 (2020-2020)
- 떼 지능과 인공지능 알고리즘을 활용한 풍력단지 최적운전 기술개발, 한국전력공사 (2020-2021)
- 4.19092_이월과제, 한국에너지기술평가원 (2020-2020)
- 4.17883/18351 이월과제, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2020-2020)
- 난류 비모사 예측 인공지능기술의 정확도 향상과 실용성 증대 연구, 삼성전자(주) (2020-2023)
- S_직접비_유동현, 포항공과대학교 (2021-2024)
- S_간접비_유동현, 포항공과대학교 (2021-2024)
- 4단계 BK21사업 2차년도 미래기계기술 프론티어 리더양성 교육연구단(국고), 재단법인한국연구재단 (2021-2022)
- 풍력단지 효율 향상을 위한 인공지능 기반 풍력 예측 및 터빈 제어 기술 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원 (2021-2021)
- 노내억류(IVR) 사고 전략 유효성 평가를 위한 고난류 노심용융물 풀 고정밀 전산 해석, 한국수력원자력(주)중앙연구원 (2021-2022)
- 떼 지능과 인공지능 알고리즘을 활용한 풍력단지 최적운전 기술개발, 한국전력공사 (2021-2022)
- [UGRP] 소변이 튀지 않는 새로운 좌변기 제작, 포항공과대학교 (2021-2022)
- 유체흐름의 인공지능 학습: 무엇을 그리고 어떻게, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2021-2022)
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