
Roland Berger – Korea RA 채용


Roland Berger Korea RA 채용공고

1. 채용 Position: Project RA (Research Assistant)

2. 근무기간지역: 5 18 () ~11중순예정(근무기간협의가능) / 서울

3. Requisites
1) Good at communication
2) Skilled in MS Excel and PowerPoint
3) Excellent team working skills
4) Pragmatic and results oriented

4. 채용 Process
1) 영문Resume 제출: ~12(), 서류통과자는 개별연락 예정
2) Face to Face Interview: 5/13 ~ 5/14
3) 채용결과발표: 5/15 () 오후, 최종합격자 개별통보 예정

5. 이력서제출문의
1) 이력서제출: narye.kwon@rolandberger.com (e-mail로만접수가능)
2) 문의사항: 권나래(narye.kwon@rolandberger.com)